Friday, July 22, 2016

Unable to start second OIF server through EM

Unable to start Oracle Identity Federation using EM Console


weblogic.application.ModuleException: [HTTP:101216]Servlet: "spmanager" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "/fed".

java.lang.RuntimeException: The server could not initialize properly: Invalid/unsupported key store or incorrect password. Please verify that the password is correct and the store is a valid PKCS#12 PFX wallet or Java KeyStore file.


Need to set below settings in the nodemanager.properites file 

This Worked for me

Alternate Solution

The Keystore entries might be different on OIF Nodes. Config.xml has entries for keystore and it should be same on both the nodes.

1) Copy the config.xml file from from Node 1 -> Node 2.
2) Start the weblogic server with below mentioned command on Node 2.


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Export MDS for OIM ( Oracle Identity Manager)

  • Login to Enterprise Manager console using a browser as a weblogic User
  • Go to the left pane, expand "Farm_base_domain"  ->"Identity and Access" -> "OIM"
  • Right-click  "oim(" and select "System MBean Browser".
  • Expand  the following "Application Defined MBeans" -> "oracle.mds.lcm" -> "Server: oim_server1" -> "Application=OIMMetadata" -> "MDSAppRuntime"
  • Click on "MDSAppRuntime" -> click on "Operations" tab.
  • Click on "exportMetadata"
  • Fill "toLocation" with a directory name (for example "/tmp/")
  • Change "createSubDir" to "True"
  • Click "Invoke".