Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Unable to process SMSESSION cookie

"Unable to process SMSESSION cookie" warning in siteminder webagent logs

Multiple reasons:
1>We could see this warning in siteminder web agent logs. user tries to perform any action(navigating to any page or url) after his session time out. Then web agent will log this warning "Unable to process SMSESSION" in webagent logs and redirects user to login page.

2>OS time on webserver hosting the webagent is not the same


Chris said...

Sometime, this issue may occur if the server are not at sync with each other or if they are not communicating with each other properly


can u plz share some information regarding SMmakecookie.ccc , SMSESSION,SMCHALLENGE, sminfoagent directory . i was confusing with this terms. need your help here. Thank you.