Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Siteminder custom login page – how to post to FCC

With Siteminder, it is possible to use a custom login page for HTML forms authentication (other than the default login.fcc). This custom login page can be a .html file, .asp file, .jsp, file, etc. In order to properly authenticate users, this custom page will need to perform a POST to the .fcc. Here are the basic steps to get this to work:
* In the System tab of the Siteminder admin UI, right-click on Authentication Schemes and select Create Authentication Scheme
* For Authentication Scheme Type, select HTML Form template
* Enter the fully qualified name of the web server hosting your login page
* For Target, enter the relative path to your custom page. By default, this will be set to “/siteminderagent/forms/login.fcc”. As an example, you may want to set it to “/mycustompages/login.asp
* In your custom login page (“/mycustompages/login.asp”), make sure the form posts to the login.fcc. The example below assumes you are using the default login.fcc located in the forms directory:
o form id=”myform” name=”myform” method=”POST” action=”/siteminderagent/forms/login.fcc
* Also, your custom login page must contain the following parameters (which Siteminder expects to be present on the POST request to the .fcc):
o input type=text name=”USER”>
o type=password name=”PASSWORD”>
o input type=hidden name=target value=””> [note: in this example, we are parsing the target from the query string. you could also hardcode it]
* Assuming your Web Agent has been properly configured, when users now attempt to access Realms protected using this new Authentication Scheme, they will be redirected to your custom login page.
* After entering their credentials and submitting the form, the POST to the FCC will take place which will authenticate the user and redirect them to the original protected target.
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