I found this below discussion in one of the forums and Hope this will be useful in understanding the flow,
Discussion 1:
1.When user enters the application url in the browser, it goes to the
web server, if web agent is installed on the web server, The request is
first intercepted by the webagent.conf file
2. In web agent.conf file it finds the path of the smhost.conf file and the request goes to smhost.conf file.
3.In smhost.conf file it finds the policy server which it needs to contact.
4.Now Web server contacts the policy server through the ports
4444(1,2,3) that are mentioned in smhost.conf file. This is done by
LLAWP(Low Level Agent Worker Process)
5.LLAWP sends the request to policy server asking for initializing the
communication between the web agent and policy server. In the request
web agents send the details of trusted host that is present in
smhost.conf file
6.When policy server receives the request it checks whether it can
trust the request by seeing whether the trusted host present is present
in policy store and if it belongs to web server from which it got the
7. This initial request sent by web agent is encrypted by the shared
secret present in smhost file. So the request is securely and only
policy server can decry-pt it.
8. If policy server trusts the request it starts the communication with
the web agent. This communication will be started HLA process from
policy server. HLA process uses HCO that web agent used to register with
policy server.
9. When the communication from policy server reaches the web agent it
decrypts the communication using shared secret and in communication it
will have details about the HCO which have started the communication, it
compares if HCO in communication is same as HCO present in smhost.conf
10.This way the policy server and web agent handshake with each other
and sets the communication.Now Web agent sends the details of the ACO
present in webagent.conf to policy server.
11.The policy server now takes the this ACO and it will see if it is
present in policy store, if it is present it will get the agent name
present in ACO and also the properties of the agent present in ACO.
12. Now policy server asks for the resource and web agents sends the resource it go from browser.
13. policy server gets the list of all the realms present in policy
store which are linked to the agent that is present in the ACO. It
compares the resource it got from web agent is present in any realm in
the list (Here it sees the longest match) and gets the realm which has
this resource and policy server see's whether this realm is configured
for protected or not protected. If not protected , it will say web agent
it is not protected.
14.if it is protected, it will whether the request that got from browser
has smsession. If no smsession then policy server fetches the
authscheme from realm and gives the corresponding login page to web
agent and it gives it to browser.
This the process that will occur to check whether the resource or request got from browser is protected or not.
Note: All the communication that occur after hand shake between policy
server and web agent is in encrypted for security. The encryption and
decryption is done using keys present in key store.
Discussion 2:
WebAgent Initialization:
When you register the agent with the policy server thru smreghost
command, The SmHost.conf file gets created and SmHost.conf file contains
information that the Web Agent uses to make initial connections to the
Policy Servers to which it is associated.it also creates a trustedHost
object into the policy store.which you specify at the time of
Trusted Host is a client computer where one or more Web Agents is
installed. It handles the connection to the Policy Server. The term
trusted host refers to the physical system. You can have more than one
trusted host on a physical server, but each must be identified by a
unique name.
Now when you enable the webagent and bounce the webserver, the initial
connection flow goes like this, the webagent reads the WebAgent.conf
file and looks for the path of SmHost.conf file, from that path it reads
the SmHost.conf file and tries to connect to the IP Address of the
policy Server m/c which are present there. once that is done, it then
fetches the trustedHost object from the policy store (The policy Store
is connected with the policy Server). Once that is done then a
successful TCP connection is established between the webAgent and the
policy server. the WebAgent then never uses the SmHost.conf file.
Before i expalin the request processing part, let me explain the
connection between WebAgent and the WebServer. There is a Http
connection between the WebAgent and the WebServer. As soon as you
configure the webagent with the webserver, remember we specify the
webagent binaries inside the configuration of webserver. so when you
bounce the webserver after configuration, it loads the webagent DLL /
Binaries into the webserver process. This is how a Http connection is
Request Processing:
Now when user access a resource from the browser say http://www.sample.com/mysite/abc.html
. The WebAgent filters this request from the web server module and
after parsing the host and the resource name webagent sends the resource
name to the policy server thru the TCP socket connection in form of
packets. for e.g. ACO, AgentName, HostName, Client IP, resourceName etc.
each in a seperate encrypted packet.
Now Policy Server decrypts the each packet and it knows the agent name
which has sent the request, from the agent name it fetches all the
matching Realm Object and from the Realm object it checks the resource
which has been associated with a specific realm, it then checks that if
the resource is protected in a realm and if it is protected, it sends a
challange response back to the webagent over the same TCP socket
connection, WegAgent who is listing over that socket connection reads
the response and throw a chalange to the user in the browser.
This is how a basic IsProtected request is processed.
One thing i want to mention that each request goes seperately,
IsProtected request is different then IsAuthenticated Request is
different and IsAuthorize request is different.
There are three different requests.